Recipe to spoil a good relationship . Avoid !
After having a conversation on the possible mistakes people make in a relationship to spoil it, insecurity tops the list. This is followed by jealousy & suspicion. While growing up, we were told that we see the world the way we are within. Interestingly, both these thoughts greatly apply to a relationship when it comes to spoil the same.
Often in a relationship, people compare themselves. They get absorbed in the thought whether they are good enough for the person they are in relationship with instead of enjoying the same. People often tend to judge their relationship only the way they see it, they never try to look at it from the other person's perspective. That's where the miss is. If you can't understand what the other person expects from you, it will be difficult for you to be comfortable in your relationship. Once you know the same and you know you are meeting most of them, if not all, then you already know that you are good in the relationship. Being insecure, brings unwanted thoughts in your mind, which one should avoid. Any questions raised during the period needs to be discussed openly and resolved instead of just letting it build inside the mind. That's why having a transparent relationship helps, wherein you can ask anything and everything to the person you are in relationship with.
The rabbit closes it's eyes and think that the world can't see it since it can't see the world. Humans in their mindset are typically similar wherein they think that the world behaves or will behave the way they do. When they make mistake they have many reasons to justify the same, while they won't listen to any reason if the same mistake is committed by the person they are in relationship with. That's hypocritical. People are humane, they are prone to make mistakes. They key is, how they handle the mistake, if they regret or ignore due to their ego. So don't judge or make assumptions about people based on the way you think, do it based on what you know about that person, that would help to better understand the person.
The right approach... Live your life in a focused & truthful ways. Don't commit to a person unless you are sure that you can stand up to protecting the commitment. In an uncommitted world, lot can happen & lot can change. However, once you commit, stand by your word and believe in the relationship you are in. Remember the old saying - As you grow, so you reap. So the more you work positively and truthfully for a relationship, the more you get in return. This is life's truth.
Being silent doesn't mean I have nothing to say...
Have been silent for a while, its been long, but that doesn't really mean I have nothing to say, but feel if i say something there isn't anyone who will listen to it. Its like shouting in the middle of a crowd of intoxicated people, where no matter how much you shout, no one will listen or care.
Life is sometimes smooth, but in no time it becomes tough, very tough. People often don't imagine or care to think about the tough times when the going gets smooth. When you are in a roller coaster, you can't think of anything but the end of it and when it ends, you wish that the ride shouldn't have ended.
Our life is like that, extremely unpredictable, uncertain and you never know what's gonna happen the next moment. We often plan big, think big, but then life smiles at us from behind and think how foolish we are to make castles in the air.
So isn't it better to be silent and watch the time pass by, watch the sun rise, set and rise again... the water to flow by... there is no point in saying anything when the other person isn't there to hear it. So it's better to be silent and just let time speak for itself, but then it doesn't mean I have nothing to say...
Michelle Phan :)
Do you know this girl? :)
she's beautiful and i really adore her. :)
Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm a makeup teacher and also a spokesperson for Lancome.
I love to eat rice with spam and ramen is my favorite snack. Dave Chappelle is my favorite comedian and I quote him daily. I was born an artist, a self taught painter for 10 years and went through an additional 3 years at Ringling College of Art and Design. Makeup is another medium to me. Like Michelangelo once said "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. " . Instead, when I see a face, it's a canvas and I want to paint a masterpiece on it. I have worked professionally freelancing.
A good Guru is not just a teacher, but also a student...I don't know everything, but I am willing to learn.
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhiji
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
My dreams?
To help women empower themselves with this art, makeup. Believe it or not, you can transform your life with one lipstick. Women have stronger careers, future and self esteem when they feel confident and beautiful.
"Are you chasing your dreams? Or are your dreams chasing you?" - Michelle Phan
you can watch her video on
11 Secrets to Clear Skin. heheh
This entry would probably be the longest one because there are many things to say.
If you still interested, then go on :D
Clear Skin Secret No. 1 :
Watch what you eat
According to dermatologist Dr. Heidi Waldorf, most of the food myths (like chocolate and French Fries) are just that -- myths. However, she does say that the hormones in milk can be connected to acne -- so you may want to lay off the ice cream and see if that helps.
Even though there isn't a direct connection between chicken fingers and zits, Annet King, director of The International Dermal Institute, says that eating healthier overall will help your skin. So keep that in mind the next time you're debating between a salad and a burger.
If you have Acne Rosacea (think redness on your face rather than regular pimples), on the other hand, Waldorf suggests staying away from "spicy foods, tomatoes, raisins, MSG, caffeine, and hot beverages."
Clear Skin Secret No. 2 :
Set up a routine
Fell asleep without taking your makeup off again? Not good. To keep your skin clear, you need to have a regular skin care routine. Here's a bare bones one you can follow:
Step 1: An acne-fighting cleanser
Step 2: A light moisturizer
Step 3: An acne-fighting treatment
You can add in things like spot treatments and masks, but these few steps will get you on the right track -- and they're so quick, you can do them all during a commercial break while watching TV (so, seriously, no excuses).
Clear Skin Secret No. 3 :
Cleanse correctly
It's the first step in your skin care routine, so of course you want to do it right. Here's how:
Step 1: Find the right cleanser.
Step 2: Use warm (but not hot) water to wet your face, then apply the product.
Step 3: Massage the cleanser on for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then rinse with luke-warm water.
Clear Skin Secret No. 4 :
Moisturizer is your friend
If you have oily skin you might think about skipping moisturizer, but King says that's not a good idea. If you dry out your skin too much, it will just produce more oil, which causes more zits -- see where this is going?
Stop the cycle by using a hydrating toner or light moisturizer after cleansing. If your skin feels too greasy you can put a mattifying product - it'll absorb the oil without over-drying your skin.
Clear Skin Secret No. 5 :
Give yourself enough time
Waldorf says it can take a month or two to see real results from your skin care routine, so you should start a.s.a.p. And don't get discouraged if your skin looks a little worse in the beginning, it's pretty normal. Just hang in there and give it a month -- if your skin still hasn't improved then you may want to change your products or see a dermatologist.
Clear Skin Secret No. 6 :
Read your labels
This is actually a two-part secret. One, you want to find acne products with these ingredients: salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or resorcinol, Waldorf says.
Two, you want to stop using products that have these ingredients: mineral oil, isopropyl myristate, lanolin, petroleum, artificial color and artificial fragrance. King says all of these can irritate your skin and cause breakouts.
Clear Skin Secret No. 7 :
Use speakerphone
Spending hours with a cell phone pressed to your cheek is a sure-fire way to get zits. If you can't stop chatting, at least wipe your phone down with alcohol to sanitize it or get a blue-tooth device. Dorky, I know, but worth it for clear skin. Or, just text your friends instead.
Clear Skin Secret No. 8 :
Don't stress
I know, between classes, assignments and finding the perfect shoes to match your dress, stress is kind of inevitable. But, it's worth taking some time to relax, because stress increases hormones that can cause acne, King says. So take a few deep breaths and try to calm down, for your face's sake.
Clear Skin Secret No. 9 :
Get a glow
For a healthy-looking glow, Waldorf suggests using a moisturizing face scrub. But more important than getting that fresh-scrubbed glow, is keeping it. That means no smoking or tanning, Waldorf says. Both can make your skin look dull, discolored and eventually wrinkled. If you do want to add some color to your skin, try a self tanner instead - all of the glow, none of the damage.
Clear Skin Secret No. 10 :
Ditch your makeup
Did your heart just stop? OK, you don't have to go completely makeup free, but cutting down on the number of products on your face can help acne.
More importantly, make sure you wash off any makeup before you work out (makeup + sweat = zits) and before you go to bed.
One thing you shouldn't skip though is sunscreen. Like Waldorf said, tanning zaps your glow and can also dry out your skin and give you more zits. Ugh.
Clear Skin Secret No. 11 :
Fight any last-minute lurkers
The second you feel a zit coming on, apply a spot treatment to minimize the problem. Waldorf recommends ones that have corticosteroid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur to get rid of bacteria and dry out the pimple.
And if you can, head to a dermatologist for a corticosteroid injection, which will get rid of the pimple in a day or two. :)
Sunscreen yehh
I'll be honest, i never really thought much about sunscreen.
i remembered when in school, my friends often use the sunscreen for sport purposes. even when we went for a camp, some of them would use the sunscreen.
did you just slapped it on and hoped you didn't get burned?
there are some things you don't know about sunscreen.
1 : A lot of sunscreens only protect against UVB rays, unless the bottle specifically says it has UVA protection as well (SPF only refers to UVB).
2 : A study found that people who wait 2.5 hours to reapply sunscreen instead of 2 hours have a five times greater chance of burning. (source : "Can You Get Hooked on Lip Balm?")
3 : Sunscreens actually do expire after about a year, especially if they've been sitting in your car or beach bag. (So it's not just a ploy to get us to buy more sunscreen.) Click here to see the signs your sunscreen has gone bad.
4 : Sunscreens that are SPF 70 or 90 don't actually increase your protection by all that much more, however you're getting two to three times more chemicals on your skin. So if you have sensitive skin you're actually better off applying a lower SPF more frequently, because you might get some irritation or redness with the higher SPF, according to Annet King, head of The International Dermal Institute
and, OK, these facts aren't technically about sunscreen, but they're in the ballpark and they're pretty crazy:
5 : Each time you peel, your risk for skin cancer increases. If you have five sunburns in your life your risk for melanoma is doubled, King says.
6 : 70 percent of adults do not apply sunscreen regularly and more than one-third of the world population reported experiencing sunburn in the previous year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you're in that 70 percent (and let's face it, odds are you are), then you definitely need to read the rest of this sunscreen trivia.
fess up : do you apply sunscreen regularly ?
hey women! lets talk about make-up that women love but men hate. :3
hey hey women :)
everyone wish to look prettier and beautiful.
but well, we should know that sometimes guys have different view with us.
neon lips, blue eyeshadow, shimmering glitter, and golden bronzers : this spring, some of the most dramatic looks we saw on the runways are making their way onto our faces.
but not everything we dabble on pleases everyone. :(
we had a hunch that some of our biggest beauty obsessions might be turn-offs for guys...
so we went ahead asked.
prepare yourself :
brutal honesty ensues.1. Heavy foundation and powders : "The inch-thick powder is a huge turn-off," says Maxim senior editor Nick Leftley. "No guy wants to kiss a girl on the cheek and then find he's wearing foundation himself. "A flaking face is one thing, but when your cheek becomes a palette of skin-tone colors, men pay attention...and not the good attention. "I'm always amazed to see women with two-tone faces, two apparently different shades of skin on the face, as if they apply makeup in the dark," says James Oliver Cury, the online editorial director at Maxim. "I'd rather see one greasy face than some sort of melanin imbalance. The nose should match the cheeks."
2. "Bumps" : “I never liked, or knew of any other guy who liked, the Gwen Stefani "bumpit" look," says Henry Belanger, an editor at The Good Men Project. "Be wary of anything that makes your head look unnaturally large."
3. Neon lipstick : Most of the fashion world agreed that electric pouts were a beauty "do" this season. Some men, however, beg to differ. "Orange lips are definitely a departure from what we're used to and not necessarily something a lot of guys I know really respond to just quite yet,” say fashion blogger John Januzzi of Lucky and the fashion website, Textbook.
4. Too-thin brows : "My pet peeve is overly plucked eyebrows," says David Swanson, Maxim's Features Editor."I mean, really? It's basically an advertisement that naturally you're hairier than Robin Williams. If it looks natural, we'd never have to wonder."
5. Bold eye-shadow : "I don't understand the revival of bright blue eyeshadow," proposes Maxim's Cury. "Is it retro? Is it purposefully over-the-top? To my eyes, it just looks tacky no matter how you wear it." Lucky's Januzzi isn't as bothered by color as he is by application. "Smoky eyes--when done right are great--very sexy and attractive but when done wrong they look a total mess," he says. "Seek professional guidance before trying at home."
6. Rosy cheeks : “As far as make-up goes, I think rouge is for old ladies,” adds Good Men Project's Belanger. "I think guys generally prefer the kind of make-up you don't notice is there, and since there's a lot that guys don't notice I think women have a lot of leeway."
7. Two-toned lips : Remember Kim Mathers? She was almost as famous for her lip liner issues as she was for being defamed by Eminem. According to our dude survey, the pucker problem was more serious. "When I see thin lines drawn around a pair of lips, I think: Is this part of some gang initiation rite?" says Cury.
8. Glitter : "Women need to be judicious with it," says Cury. "It's like any good seasoning. You shouldn't shake it all over. It can overwhelm the main course." That being said, he's not opposed to a heavy sprinkle of cleavage glitter.
source : :)
Cuaca sekarang memang panas sangat2 kan?
kalau bangun subuh tu kira okay lagi tapi mula terasa bahang dan tak selesa dalam pukul 10 pagi dan ke tengah hari memang HARU lah!
nak tido petang pun berpeluh, malam pun panas.
oleh sebab tak tahan dengan rutin harian yang harihari panas,
saya ambil alternatif untuk ke library.
jadi lepas ambil adik pukul 12-1pm, terus ke library di jusco.
duduk dalam library memang seronok, dengan sejuknya, dengan tenangnya melihat orang2 menambah ilmu. sayangnya tak boleh tidur. (kahkahkah)
tapi sambil jalan ke library, terlihat satu notis vacancy untuk part timer dekat AKEMI (
balik dari library terus call then Miss Emily tu cakap kerja 8 jam, RM4 sejam. okay la tu kan? esok die suruh datang interview.
hmm harap2 boleh catchup dengan masa nak amek adik dari skola n anta adik tusyen. (-.-)
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